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Detoxification: Special Needs and Considerations (6 hours)
From $80.00
Diagnosing and Treating Co-dependence (6 hours)
Diagnosing Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders: Using the DSM Structure
From $200.00
Ethics for Clinical Supervisors: Current Legal and Ethical Issues for Supervisors and Counselors (6 hours)
Expanding the Role of the Clinical Supervisor in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling (9 hours)
From $120.00
Group Drug Counseling (6 hours)
Hepatitis C - Information for Counselors (6 hours)
HIV/AIDS and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (6 hours)
Human Development: Perspectives on Addiction and Recovery (12 hours)
From $160.00
Improving Cultural Competence: Behavioral Health Treatment for Major Racial and Ethnic Groups (6 hours)
Improving Cultural Competence: Introduction to Cultural Competence and Core Competencies (6 hours)
Improving Treatment Compliance: Counseling and Systems Strategies for Substance Abuse and Dual Disorders (3 hours)
From $40.00
Integrating Spirituality into Therapy (3 hours)
Personal and Professional Wellness for the Substance Abuse Professional (15 hours)
Post Traumatic Stress and Recovery (10 hours)
From $135.00
Relapse Prevention Services - REVISITED (6 hours)
Sexuality and Intimacy in the Recovery Process (3 hours)
Substance Abuse Treatment and Domestic Violence - Batterers (3 hours)
The Minnesota Model (6 hours)
Dependence Disease Treatment Based on "The Science of Addiction" by Carlton Erickson (6 hours)